Australians speak English - FACT
Australians sounds like they are speaking another language at time - FACT
Most of us are all familiar with the typical "Aussie" words..
Australians sounds like they are speaking another language at time - FACT
Most of us are all familiar with the typical "Aussie" words..
G’day: hello
Bloke: man
Sheila: woman
Mate: friend, buddy
Barbie: barbecue
.. but here are some of the many other words that I have picked up on over the past 4 months in Australia
Arvo: afternoon
Aussie: Australian
Avos: avocados
"Ay?": said when someone didn't hear what you said; "excuse me/pardon me"
Biscuit: cookie
Biscuit: cookie
Bludger: a lazy person, one who doesn't work
Boomerang: Aboriginal tool that was originally developed to be used for hunting; a flat, curved, usually wooden missile configured so that when thrown, it returns to the thrower
Boot: trunk of the car
Bottle shop: liquor store
Brekkie: breakfast
Budgie smuggler: speedo
Bug: small crab (this freaked me out a few times when I read on a menu something like, "Fettuccine with Bugs")
Chemist: pharmacy or drugstore
Chips: french fries
Chips: french fries
"Crikey!": an expression of astonishment
Didgeridoo: Aboriginal wind musical instrument
Dodgy: sketchy
Doona: comforter
Fair dinkum: true, genuine
Fairy floss: cotton candy
Flatmate: roommate
Fortnight: biweekly, every two weeks
Fullstop: period (.)
"Good on ya!": "good for you/well done"
Heaps: a lot
"Hey?": "What?" (used when you didn't hear what someone said)
"How you going?": "How are you?"
"Hey?": "What?" (used when you didn't hear what someone said)
"How you going?": "How are you?"
Holiday: vacation
Hungry Jack's: Burger King
Jelly: Jello
Jelly: Jello
Joey: baby kangaroo
Jumper: coat or jacket
Keen: interested
Kiwi: a New Zealander
Lamington: sponge cake covered in chocolate and coconut
Lift: elevator
Lollies: candy, sweets
Maccas (pronounced "Mackers"): McDonald's
"No worries!": expression of reassurance or forgiveness; "no problem/that's ok"
Noggin: head (I learned that one from Finding Nemo!)
"Oy!": a way to call out to someone
Oz: Australia
Ozzie: Australian
Parcel: package
Petrol: gas
Parcel: package
Petrol: gas
Pokies: gambling slot machines
Prawn: shrimp
"Ra, ra, ra": equivalent to how we say, "blah, blah, blah"
"Reckon": 2 meanings.. to think or "you bet/absolutely"
Roo: kangaroo
Rubbish: trash, garbage
Rubbish: trash, garbage
Singlet: tank-top
Spewin': 2 meanings.. throwing up/vomiting, or angry/mad/upset/disappointed
Sunnies: sunglasses
Swimmers: swimsuit
Thongs: sandals/flip-flops.. not underwear
Tim Tam: a brand of chocolate biscuit
Toilets: a given they mean restrooms/bathrooms, but it sounds so unclassy
Tomato sauce: ketchup
Tomato sauce: ketchup
"Too easy!": a phrase in response to anything that needs doing or has been done
Trolley: shopping cart
Trolley: shopping cart
Uni: university
Unit: apartment
Vegemite: brown yeast sandwich spread
Wanker: a male person that is really stupid, but they think they are the greatest
Waffle: talking nonsense ("waffle, waffle, waffle")
Wholemeal: wheat
i love this list you've made haha. i think aussies are just too lazy to say a full word which is why everything is shortened.