Saturday, February 18, 2012

Update from Australia

Australia is amazing! It is beautiful here, the weather is beautiful, the people are so nice and friendly, and the lifestyle is so much more relaxed and easy going. Autumn and I have been very busy the past couple of days. We have been getting ourselves situated and getting things done. We have explored both Australia Fair (Oz Fair) and Pacific Fair (Pac Fair) – both are indoor and outdoor mall areas. We have also set up local bank accounts, visited Griffith University, and purchased phones. We are still trying to learn the bus system, but we do now have go cards (bus cards). We went out for dinner and dancing in Surfer’s Paradise the other night. We have also been meeting “heaps” of people and making new friends.

Here are some more Aussie words that I have picked up on:

  • Fortnight – means every two weeks
  • Fullstop – means period (.)
  • Budgie smugglers – means speedos
  • Goon – means box of wine

1 comment:

  1. Aw looks like you're having fun! Still can't believe you are living in Australia right now! Can't wait to see more pics!!
